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Renew, Join, Donate

If you haven't already, it's time to join or to renew your membership! We sincerely appreciate your participation in SRMOA.

We were created in 1992 to protect the rights of mobile home owners. Your support enables us to be an effective advocate for homeowners in parks throughout Santa Rosa, at the Santa Rosa City Council. We have been responsible for the rent stabilization and vacancy control ordinances. In 2023 we reduced the CPI percent of San Francisco that was used for rental increases from 100% to 70%, and we are now working on reducing the 10% in-place transfer rent increase, plus applying zoning overlay protection for our senior parks.

Your membership addition helps to increase our senior voting power so we can lobby in a positive way for your rights at the city council. Membership is only $10! We also ask you to consider making a contribution to our legal fund that helps us finance our legal efforts when necessary and provide assistance to our members.

To join or renew, download and print the form below, fill it out, then mail it in to the address shown on the form. The buttons in the upper right corner of the form will allow you to download or to print directly.

Mail in form below:

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